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Updated: Oct 22, 2019

Hi Friends !

As summer morphed into back-to-school, and September melted into October, I thought I better get you this “newsy little update” before any more time passes.

If you haven’t already, grab your calendar and reserve next Saturday, October 26th.

I will be teaching my signature class “A Journey through the Genealogy of Scent” in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s an intensive, all-day training smelling the raw materials, notes & accords, of natural perfumery. Gay Timmons, owner of OhOhOrganic has again generously offered her company HQ in Point Richmond for this years’ class. Lunch included.

We recently returned from the SCC (Society of Cosmetic Chemists) Suppliers Day Show in Long Beach, CA., where we celebrated the 2nd birthday of Palette Naturals. If you were able to attend the show, you were lucky to smell our newest additions to the line. For those of you patiently waiting to add to your palette, the wait is over. We have added 5 new Accords to the Palette Naturals collection. In fact, they are so new they are not on the website yet. Keeping it real, I wanted to let you all know they will be up as soon as our lovey labels are printed. In the meantime, prepare your blotters for: FRUITY A, SOFT SPEARMINT, SOFT FLORAL (yes, a Rose), VANILLA, and drumroll please…. BOTANICAL MUSK.

Sample kit will be available, as usual. Stay tuned or email me to reserve your set.

On day one of the show I was interviewed by the amazing Deanna Utroske. Sidebar for a moment: I do mean amazing. A tireless, generous journalist, writer & vlogger; in the span of 2 years she has become the preeminent voice on all indie-beauty, from ingredients, suppliers, brands, owners, industry events and the consumer. Follow her @deannautroske.

Last but not least, for those of you who are beauty entrepreneurs, brand-owners, or planning your big launch, BeautyIndependent has launched a companion site called Uplink. Uplink is an invaluable directory of resources, from suppliers of raw materials, packaging, shipping, bottles, formulating labs, you name it. Palette Naturals is now up and listed on the Uplink site.

Visit Beauty Independent:

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, inquiries, or requests.

New projects and announcements are shaping up for 2020…. and I would love to include any requests.

We’ve come a long way with our #smellthetruth #ingredientstransparencyrevolution !

With much love for what we do,


Founder/Creative Director

Palette Naturals, 40notes. LLC.

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